Never Give Up!

by - Februari 19, 2015

Dear all my friends, who are still trying to search a job....

I'm writing this post because I want to give support to you and oh yeah me too. You are not alone. I understand your feelings when your friends, family or everyone else asks : "Kapan kerja?" or "Kamu udah kerja belum?". The question was not ONCE, but SEVERAL TIME asked. They don't care whether the question makes us down or stress. Sometimes they ask without giving aid alias basa-basi alias just kepo.

That makes me sad is when people start to underestimate. They don't know how we are trying so hard. Mereka bahkan tidak tau kita rela bangun pagi-pagi buta untuk tidak terlambat berangkat interview, mereka tidak tau kita pernah menahan tangis saat meminta restu kepada orang tua, mereka tidak tau kita belajar sangat rajin untuk mempersiapkan test psikotest pekerjaan dan mereka tidak tau ada doa panjang yang selalu kita panjatkan kepada Tuhan sambil terisak bahkan merengek memohon.

Don't listen to those who underestimate you!
You must keep positive thinking. Listen to negative words and then put it in your mind will only waste your energy and make you lose. No matter what they say about you, you have to show them. You are determining your own life, no them! Remember that. 

Everyone has a different way of life.
Kita bisa saja berencana A, B dan C, but we never know what will happen. Lulus kuliah cepat dan IPK tinggi ternyata tidak menjamin kita cepat mendapatkan pekerjaan. Don't worry about it! God has a different way to us and we must believe it's the best way. 

"Let us be comfortable with who we are, what we have and what we are capable of. Let us never feel inferior or superior, just content, tolerant and grateful". -88LoveLife

Keep trying and never give up!
Tidak ada usaha yang mudah. Kita pasti pernah mengalami kesalahan dan kegagalan berkali-kali. Kita pernah kecewa, menangis, marah dan merasa putus asa. Kita juga pasti pernah merasa iri pada teman-teman yang sudah bekerja atau bahkan sudah sukses. Don't think too much about it! Focus, trying and pray. You must be strong. There or without support of others, you have to move with confidence. You must believe your abilities and YOU ARE AMAZING!

Amelia Utami

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