13 Questions From My Heart To Myself

by - Juni 02, 2015

How are you today?
At least this morning I'm fine.

How do you feel today?
I'm feeling pretty good. That's because I have not moved on from Korean Drama "Healer" and I still listen to the Original Soundtrack with the title Eternal Love. It's my mood booster these day. I know I'm being "crazy" when I begin idolize something or someone. But it makes me happy, though not for long.

It's time for you to question the actual question...

1. Who are you?
Me? "you" don't know me? hey, "you" should who I am. My name is Amelia Utami.

2. What kind of people are you?
Honestly, this is a difficult question. I was one of those people who have difficulty when having to explain it. I don't really know what kind of person I'm. Whether I'm kind person or not. I'm not sure. Till now I live with what I believe is right.

3. What your daily activities?
Searching a job, reading, writing and watching Korean Drama. Sometimes I do chores, such as sweeping, watering flowers and help my mom to cooking in the kitchen. Ah, I'm really busy.

4. What activities do you like most?
Go to bed, turn off lamp, close my eyes and listening to the music until I fell asleep. Usually before I fall asleep, I will imagining anything that is my mind. Sometimes I imagine travelling to my favorite country and I will upload plane ticket photo on Instagram, Path or other media social. And then I will photo with hashtag ootd. I will forget about it when I was asleep and wake up the next morning.

5. What your plan in the near future?
Getting a job.

6. What things would you want in the near future?
Repair damage my notebook, replace the hardisk and buy a hardisk external so that I can collect Korean Drama. Fix!

7. What dreams are you have?
It was very much really. Beyond reality, I have many dreams. I wanna be an actress, because I love acting and when high school I joined a theater group. I wanna be model because I like to pose. When I annoyed with Indonesia soap opera, I wanna be screenwriter with a few stories that I created in my mind. If I have a lot of money, I want to open a food cafe with vintage decor or I open bookstore because where I live there are no bookstore with a collection of the complete book. But I think, from these dreams, I wanna be novelist.

8. Who your motivator?
Myself. I tried hard no to dependence on other.

9. What makes you happy?
Basically, I'm a person who is happy, even with trivial things. When there a new Korean Drama, I'm happy. When I buy a new book, I'm happy. Not hard to makes me happy. And for this one, I most understand.

10. What makes you sad?
See people that I love sad.

11. What makes you difficult to tell other people?
Oh I hate this question. Hmmm about my family. I feel there is a heavy load on my back when I had to tell  my family condition now. Even I don't dare to give a bit hint. It's not something that is easy to tell. Maybe I will tell five or ten years to come. But I'm not promise.

12. What weakness and excess do you have?
I have many weakness, sometimes I still like irritable and lazy to do something. But fortunately, I'm trying to change it. I don't want much tell about my excess, maybe the only thing that makes me proud is that I always try to do best for all the things I do. 

13. Are you grateful with your life?
Yes, of course. In another hemisphere or outside my home there are still many people whose live have difficulty. That's what makes me not much to complain with all the difficulties that are being experienced.

Thank you...
"I" hope the questions can help you.

Amelia Utami

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